Welcome to EFT and Me
A multilingual EFIT webinar series, featuring ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer Lorrie Brubacher and ICEEFT Certified EFT Supervisor Caroline Gasparetto, both with expertise in EFIT (Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy).
As Amanda Gorman suggests in her poem “Call US”: “We are not me, we are we”. Through an attachment lens, and from Gorman’s poetry, we are reminded that there is no such thing as an individual “me”.
The enthusiasm for the individual modality of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFIT) has evolved quickly since the publication of Lorrie Brubacher’s book chapter “Extending attachment-based EFT to individual therapy” in her 2018 book Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy. In fact, as many therapists are striving to apply and integrate what they already know of EFT to individual work, they often find themselves needing a home where they can land and grow the various parts of their learning process.

In EFT and Me we will explore key ingredients of change as described in Lorrie’s books, by watching real-life video sessions with individuals. You will gain valuable insights into the therapeutic process and witness firsthand the transformative power of EFT. In each session, Lorrie and Caroline will focus on specific learning objectives and will help you gain confidence into applying it into your own practice. We will focus on the therapist’s inner process as we also seek to highlight ongoing, humble attunement to the client’s emotional and contextual world. Join us in this safe space of connection and growth for EFIT therapists of all levels!
Increasing accessibility and inclusion to communities of linguistic minorities is one of our core values. Our webinar aims at providing a warm and welcoming environment where we embrace diversity through simultaneous translation to French, Portuguese and Spanish!
How it works?
Twice a month, on Mondays from 12pm to 1:30pm Eastern time, we will meet online for a 90-minute session where Lorrie will show her sessions with real individual clients and where she and Caroline will discuss the EFIT process focusing on specific learning objectives.
You cannot make it? No problem, recordings will be available!
We know that as a therapist, your time is precious. If you can’t attend the live meeting, or are in a different time zone from ours, our formula allows you to listen to our previous recordings at a later time. In the library, you’ll be able to access available recordings in your language of preference (English, French, Portuguese or Spanish).

About us

Lorrie Brubacher is a certified EFT Trainer, Supervisor and Therapist, best known for her extensive work in EFIT. The first edition of her book Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy was translated into six languages, with several more in process. The second edition, Stepping into Emotionally Focused Therapy includes work with individuals in each chapter and is accompanied by an exercise book, entitled Workouts for Stepping into EFT. Lorrie is an amazing clinician, highly attuned to her clients, and also a gifted pedagogical trainer. She is able to dissect her work in a distilled way so it becomes explicit and applicable to therapists learning the model.

Caroline Gasparetto is a certified EFT Supervisor and Therapist. She is also a co-founder of the EFT Québec community. Originally from Brazil and now living in Quebec, Canada since 2007, Caroline is sensitive to the accessibility of EFT to non-English speaking therapists. She deeply desires to contribute in reducing the language barrier in the learning process of EFT. She also believes in the power of community and growing together as important pillars of the EFT journey.
Our stance on diversity
In this space, our intention is to cultivate a climate of inclusion, an environment where all can feel safe, valued, cared for, and given an opportunity to form meaningful connections with each other. In all facets of our work we strive to embody what we hope to see in the world — a just, loving humanity and community in which people are free to be themselves fully — where people can embrace their most basic universal human attachment needs without fear of persecution or marginalization as a result of religious affiliation or non affiliation, race, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, class, mental health, physical character or differing abilities.
We strive to increase our racial sensitivity and awareness of and responsiveness to multicultural concerns. We seek to create a safe place for people and treat them as persons not problems or types. Our values are inclusive and egalitarian while viewing human connection as sacred — something to be honored and cultivated. Our scientific and theoretical base outlines key universals, emotion and attachment, while respecting contextual differences and intersecting power relations and oppression.

About EFT
Emotionally focused therapy (EFT) is an evidence-based therapeutic approach developed by Dr. Sue Johnson that has been shown to promote personal growth, flexibility, resilience, and lasting changes. In EFT, emotion serves as a bridge between clients’ inner experience and interpersonal connections. The process of change thus occurs in clients’ relationships – the ones they hold and the ones they carry inside of themselves, including within the bond of trust they share with their therapists. In EFT and Me, we strive to help you help your clients through modeling, teaching, and discussion aimed at facilitating your integration of the EFT model so that you can feel resourced to transform your clients’ journey positively.
A special thanks
We honor the life and work of Dr. Sue Johnson (1947–2024), whose creative genius brings attachment to the forefront of individual, couple, and family psychotherapy, continuing to revolutionize the field, making therapy a process of love. EFT and Me seeks to carry on Dr. Johnson’s legacy of love in our profession by engaging you in our video reviews and discussions.
All activities of EFT and Me are consistent with the mission of the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT) and seek to promote the work of Dr. Sue Johnson.

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Lorrie Brubacher’s book Stepping into Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy: Key Ingredients of Change (2nd ed) and its companion Workouts for Stepping into EFT engage therapists with the EFT model, enhance the ease and mastery of both EFCT and EFIT practitioners, and entice therapists of other modalities to dip a toe into EFT waters.